
The Collagen P.I.N. skin needling system allows for controlled induction of the skin’s self-repairing mechanism by creating micro “injuries” in the skin to trigger new collagen synthesis without posing the risk of permanent scarring. The result is smoother, firmer, and younger looking skin with improvement of pore size, acne scars, and/or wrinkles. Skin needling procedures are performed in a safe and precise manner with the use of sterile Collagen P.I.N. needle tips. The procedure typically takes 10-20 minutes depending on the areas being treated. In addition, you will arrive 30 minutes prior to your procedure for topical numbing.

Microneedling: Before and After

Frequently Asked Questions

A sunburn-like effect is normal for 1-4 days. You will look and feel sunburned after the treatment. You may experience a warm sensation, redness, and swelling of the skin. Severity of redness will depend on how aggressive the treatment was. The skin may feel tight, dry, or swollen and sensitive to the touch.

You may use pure mineral makeup (e.g. Bare Minerals), which should contain only titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, mica, iron oxides and perhaps one or two more ingredients, starting the day after the procedure. It should not contain talc or dimethicone.

You will need to avoid sun exposure for 24 hours post-procedure and preferably for one week following the treatment. You may use only pure physical sunscreen (i.e. contains only zinc and titanium) until day 5.

You will see results one week after the procedure and your results will continue to enhance over weeks to months, particularly if a series of treatments are performed.

History of keloid scarring, blood clotting conditions, immunosuppression, active bacterial of fungal infections, pregnancy. If you have a history of any of the above, please discuss it with your doctor.

  1. Sun exposure and/or usage of a tanning bed, including self-tanning products must be avoided for a minimum of 24 hours before and after the treatment, preferably one week. Treatment within 24 hours of prolonged sun exposure may result in hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation that may not clear for several months and may even be permanent.
  2. No area to be treated should receive any type of chemical peel for two weeks prior to and after treatment.
  3. Retinoids and bleaching creams must be discontinued one week prior to your treatment and should not be re-started until one week after your treatment.
  4. Avoid waxing for two weeks prior to and after the treatment.
  5. If you have a history of cold sores, we may recommend prophylactic antiviral therapy in the form of Valtrex. Please notify your physician.
  6. During the course of your treatments, notify our staff of any changes to your medical history, health status, or personal activities that may be relevant to your treatment.

Medical Microneedling in Dallas

Our dermatologists and aestheticians expertly utilize microneedling to deliver physician-grade results. Receive a personalized treatment plan by contacting Dallas Dermatology Partners to schedule a private consultation for a microneedling treatment.

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