Hair Loss Treatment

There are many different types of hair loss and it can affect people of all ages. We understand that hair loss can be emotionally devastating and cause untoward stress on individuals who experience it. It can be challenging to treat and often requires a multifaceted approach. Our board-certified dermatologists will address your concerns, determine the cause of your hair loss, and provide you with a detailed treatment plan that you are confident in.

The average person loses 50-200 strands of hair every day-- a natural part of the follicle growth cycle. Although shedding is normal, if you notice more hair loss than usual or thinning areas on your scalp, it is important to get evaluated by a dermatologist. Genetics often plays a role in thinning locks or alopecia, however it’s necessary to rule out other causes. At Dallas Dermatology Partners, we offer treatments that can slow down or halt hair loss progression.

What causes hair loss?

Some of the leading causes in men and women include:

  • Genetic predisposition – Male pattern hair loss is attributed to genetics and circulating testosterone levels. Female pattern baldness is also hereditary but is more common in women after menopause.
  • Hormonal changes – Estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate significantly during pregnancy and menopause, leading to temporary hair loss.
  • Autoimmune and thyroid disorders – Imbalances with the thyroid gland and immune system functions can lead to increased shedding and baldness.
  • Natural aging process – Both sexes begin losing more hair after 30; men usually more so than women.
  • Vitamin deficiencies – Noticeable hair loss has been associated with iron, zinc, protein, vitamin D, and biotin deficiencies.
  • Traction alopecia – Tight hairstyles such as buns, cornrows, and ponytails can cause increased hair loss.
  • Medication – There are prescription medications and chemotherapy treatments that come with risks of temporary hair loss.
  • Stress – Divorce, recent surgeries, and other life events that trigger emotional stress can cause hair loss.
  • Psoriasis of the scalp – Plaque psoriasis can spread to the scalp, resulting in hair loss. Once the condition is under control, hair follicles can slowly regrow.

Dermatologist Recommended Hair Loss Treatments

With follicle examination and bloodwork, our dermatologists will create a treatment plan, which may include one or more of the following:

  • Medications: Prescription hair loss medications have been used with success in male and female patients.
  • Corticosteroid injections: This is an effective treatment for people who suffer from certain types of alopecia, with most seeing improvements within three months.
  • Laser therapy: A low-level laser treatment can safely stimulate hair growth and help patients with hereditary hair loss as well as from chemotherapy or alopecia areata.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): PRP contains vascular and protein growth factors that boost circulation to the scalp, sending vital nutrients necessary for hair growth. The in-office procedure involves injecting the patient’s platelets into targeted areas of the scalp to stimulate the regrowth of hair follicles.

Types of Hair Loss

  • Androgenic alopecia – This is the most prevalent type of hair loss affecting 60 million men and 30 million women and is mostly hereditary. In males, this pattern of hair loss usually starts around the temples after puberty and continues for many years. Women with female pattern baldness seldom lose all their hair but do notice considerable thinning, especially on the top and frontal scalp.
  • Alopecia areata – This type of patchy hair loss, or spot baldness, is an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks healthy hair follicles, causing them to fall out and not regrow. Alopecia areata tends to run in families and typically develops during adolescent years. It can also affect the eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair follicles on other parts of the body.
  • Anagen effluvium – A sudden hair loss from chemotherapy medications. After the treatment ends, the hair follicles typically regrow on their own.
  • Telogen effluvium – Hair thinning that occurs after a serious illness. It does not lead to complete baldness, but rather causes hair follicles to remain in a dormant phase of the growth cycle.
  • Cicatricial alopecia - Also known as scarring hair loss. This may be secondary to conditions such as frontal fibrosing alopecia, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, lichen planopilaris, or connective tissue disease and can result in permanent loss of hair follicles. It can also be caused by hair styling practices and chemical treatments to the hair. Therefore, early identification and intervention is key.

Remember that hair loss isn’t always inevitable. Regardless of your genetic makeup or age, there are many hair regrowth and restoration options available. Early intervention and a multifaceted approach is key to all types of hair loss.

Consult With A Hair Loss Dermatologist

Consult with Dallas Dermatology Partners about an appropriate hair loss treatment. We understand the repercussions of alopecia on one’s physical and mental well-being. Our dermatologists can recommend effective therapies to stop shedding and trigger hair regrowth by identifying the underlying pathology.
in a timely and efficient manner.

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