Sculptra: The Anti-Aging Maintenance Treatment You Need

Sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles are a normal part of the natural aging process. While plenty of cosmetic injectables can refresh your appearance, Sculptra is the only filler that activates your skin’s intrinsic regenerative process. It’s made of Poly-L-lactic acid which triggers the production of collagen–the protein that keeps skin firm and supple.

This FDA-approved dermal filler does more than plump up hollow areas in the face. Each Sculptra treatment restores the skin’s underlying infrastructure for amazing natural looking results because diminished collagen is replaced. As a proven collagen stimulator, Sculptra is the anti-aging maintenance treatment of choice for our Dallas patients.

Benefits of Sculptra for Anti-Aging

Sculptra goes the distance by working synergistically to renew your skin’s elasticity and tone. Once injected deep beneath the skin’s surface, the Poly-L-lactic acid micro-particles stimulate the body to build collagen over a period of weeks and months. As a result, patients notice steady but measurable improvements in wrinkles and creases, as well as overall firmness. In addition, Sculptra restores lost volume and fullness over time, allowing patients to age gracefully. The gradual onset of rejuvenating effects is another advantage, as Sculptra never produces an over-filled look.

Long-Lasting Rejuvenation

Sculptra is different than injectable dermal fillers made of hyaluronic acid that temporarily restore lost volume. These treatments are effective for lifting and plumping, but only for short periods. Since Sculptra rebuilds your skin’s framework from the inside out through collagen synthesis, the results can last upwards of two years. Even if injections aren’t repeated, patients will still reap the anti-aging benefits of the newly formed collagen.

Versatile Injectable Filler

Sculptra promises natural-looking facial improvements and is also great for the neck and chest. The injectable rebuilds collagen fibers helping to diminish the appearance of:

  • Smile lines
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Sunken cheeks
  • Hollow temples
  • Marionette lines
  • Wrinkles on the neck and chest


Sculptra Combined with Other Treatments

In the context of anti-aging skin care, Sculptra is a smart option. Its versatility, safety, and mechanism of action make it one of our most popular cosmetic treatments. We often combine it with other therapies, including Botox, laser resurfacing, and BBL, to achieve dramatic improvements in skin tone and clarity. Our dermatologists work with patients to develop individualized treatment plans that focus on specific concerns.

Optimal Results with Several Treatments

Sculptra does not work overnight, which is helpful as it allows us to tailor additional treatments for natural-looking results. The amount of filler injected will depend on the issues being addressed and desired goals. We usually recommend several months between Sculptra treatments to evaluate improvements and assess further injections.

Age-Defying Skincare in Dallas

Sculptra treatments maintain healthy and youthful skin and deliver long-lasting results. For more information about this innovative injectable that replaces lost collagen, we invite you to make a Dallas dermatology appointment today.

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