Can Fillers Get Rid of a Double Chin?

Dermal fillers can work wonders on a number of cosmetic concerns, but NO they cannot eliminate a double chin. Extra fullness below the chin is a common complaint among men and women, especially patients entering their middle-aged years.

Fortunately, many patients are excellent candidates for a non-invasive approach to double chin removal. Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable that dissolves submental fat without surgery or any downtime.

What causes a double chin? There are many factors, but the primary is a layer of excess fat that creates the illusion of a second chin.

You don’t have to be overweight to struggle with submental fullness, however. Mature and aging skin is looser, and can mimic the effect of a double chin. Your facial structure and genetic predisposition will also play a role in under-chin fullness.


Kybella to Submental Fat
Kybella Double Chin Removal – Before & After


How does Kybella work?

Kybella is made up of a synthetic deoxycholic acid – a compound that breaks down and absorbs dietary fat. When injected under the chin, Kybella destroys fat cells, which gradually dissolve over time. Over a period of weeks, patients will begin to notice a more contoured chin and jawline.

How many sessions do I need?

Everyone’s anatomy and aesthetic goals are different. Our dermatologists will determine the number of Kybella treatments needed for optimal results. Most of our patients benefit from 3-6 Kybella treatments, spaced four weeks apart.

Will Kybella produce the results you desire?

If you are self-conscious about excess fat under the chin, and do not have significant skin laxity or muscle sagging, then Kybella double chin removal may be a suitable option. Keep in mind that this injectable has no skin tightening effect, nor does it lift muscle. Kybella does not restore volume either. Its sole purpose is to eliminate stubborn fat cells that can accumulate under the chin.

before and after kybella
Kybella to Submental Fat – Before & After


Can fillers make my chin appear smaller?

If your main objective is to reduce the size of a double chin, dermal fillers are not the solution. These cosmetic injectables are used to reshape and contour facial features for better harmony. Jaw and neckline contouring with facial fillers can provide a subtle lifting effect along with a more youthful look. By restoring lost volume, they add structure and can improve the appearance of sagging jowls that may look like submental fullness. Fillers are versatile compounds that are effective for creating facial balance. In some patients, this effect can make a chin look more proportionate, but generally not smaller.


Kybella indications

Kybella cannot correct a double chin that is caused – or compounded — by sagging skin and loose neck muscle. These concerns are best addressed with a surgical neck lift or other treatment options.

Those who are candidates for this double chin injectable are rewarded with permanent results since the fat cells are completely eliminated.

Double chin removal in Dallas

To learn more about non-surgical double chin treatment or facial sculpting with fillers, schedule your Dallas dermatology appointment today. We look forward to helping you achieve your cosmetic goals.

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