Does Accutane Cure Acne Forever?

Yes, Accutane acne treatment can effectively defeat severe cases. Most of the time, the results are permanent. However, there still may be breakouts, but they should be minor. However, it’s important to note that every patient reacts to medications differently. In addition, Accutane isn’t necessarily an appropriate choice for every patient.

At Dallas Dermatology Partners, we will carefully review your up-to-date medical history, including a list of medications and supplements, to determine if this treatment is a good fit for you.

What Is Accutane Acne Treatment?

Accutane is a prescription medication for severe nodulocystic acne, which isn’t like other types of acne.

It’s an inflammatory form that causes the characteristic red bumps and large, hard lumps (nodules). Nodules can persist for weeks or months and can be quite painful. Furthermore, it is associated with severe scarring. Cystic acne with nodules doesn’t clear up on its own or with standard, over-the-counter (OTC) acne products. It requires treatment from a dermatologist.

Accutane is a highly effective prescription medication for this severe type of acne. Although the brand name product, Accutane, was taken off the market, its generic form, isotretinoin, is still available.

Are Accutane Results Permanent?

Accutane doesn’t work in the same way that most acne medications do. OTC products, for example, have to be used continuously or as spot treatments, and breakouts will typically continue to occur.

In contrast, after a course of treatment with isotretinoin, most patients will never see a severe breakout of nodulocystic acne again, and many enjoy complete, permanent clearing of acne.

However, these patients may experience mild breakouts from time to time, such as whiteheads and blackheads. These non-nodulocystic acne breakouts can be addressed with topical medications.

It is possible, though not typical, for some patients to experience a breakout of nodulocystic acne after completing their course of Accutane. If this happens to you, your dermatologist may recommend a second course of isotretinoin treatment to permanently clear up your acne.

hormonal acne treatment

What to Expect From Accutane Treatment

Isotretinoin is a highly effective medication, but it’s important to follow the dermatologist’s dosage instructions carefully. In most cases, our team prescribes a course of treatment that lasts four to five months. Sometimes, we may recommend six months.

Please let your dermatologist know if you experience troublesome side effects while taking Accutane. You may need a lower dosage of the medication. Even at a lower dosage, however, isotretinoin is still highly effective and can result in permanent skin clearing of severe acne.

Schedule a Consult for Accutane Today

Your skin is unique, and your skincare plan should be, too. At Dallas Dermatology Partners, we take pride in developing innovative, highly personalized treatment plans for each patient.

Our highly trained acne dermatologists in Dallas use tried-and-true and cutting-edge treatments to help our patients achieve better skin health. To find out if Accutane is an appropriate choice, you can schedule a Dallas dermatology appointment at our office.

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